Schoology Integration: Teacher Guide

  • Last updated on December 6, 2024 at 9:35 PM


This guide shows teachers how to launch the KWL Hub from within their Schoology account.

Requirements before you begin: Your Schoology admin will need to configure the KWL Hub for your school and make sure it is enabled for your courses. If you need help, reach out to your admin. Admin setup information is provided in our Schoology Admin Guide.

Setup Guide

1. Log into your Schoology teacher account.

2. On the Schoology dashboard, navigate to Courses and click on your course.

3. In the left sidebar, you will see "The KWL Hub" app. (Please note that your admin must first have enabled the app for it to appear here.) If your admin has configured the app to launch in a separate window, you will also need to click on the "Launch App" button to launch it.

4. The KWL Hub App will launch in a new window. After reviewing and agreeing to the privacy policy, click "I agree" at the bottom of the screen. You will be directed to your main KWL Hub teacher account.

You are now rostered on the KWL Hub platform as a teacher! Note that:

  • Your login information (username and email) will be sent to the KWL Hub the first time you launch the app.
  •  Teachers and students should always log into the KWL Hub by launching the app through Schoology.

Next steps

Student rostering: In order to roster each of your students, make sure to instruct each of your students to launch the KWL Hub application through Schoology. The process for students is the same as for teachers (1. Login to Schoology student account; 2. Click on "The KWL Hub" in the bottom left sidebar.)

Teacher tutorialsFeel free to browse our KWL Hub Teacher Guide Series for more information about how to use your account. Reach out to your school admin with any questions about your Schoology setup.
